give your application the best chance of success

If you are a Licensee of a premises or thinking of going in to the licensing trade for the first time, you will need advice on the procedures and Law involved.

Andrea Harries has a wealth of experience in this area, and is one of the few solicitors in Bridgend who deals with licensing matters. In particular, she was very busy in assisting local Licensees when there was a fundamental change in the Laws in 2006, and so is very familiar with the current Licensing regime.

If you are considering purchasing or taking a Lease of a public house, restaurant, or perhaps a supermarket with an off-licence, not only can Andrea guide you through the necessary applications, but our commercial conveyancing department can undertake the conveyancing work for you and liaise closely with Andrea so all the work is undertaken under one roof. Some firms of solicitors can do the conveyancing for you but do not have licensing experience and would have to refer clients to another firm for advice on these matters.

Services Offered

Applying for new licences

Applying for variations or amendments to existing licences

Defending applications against objections in appeal hearings

Keeping licences up-to-date

Complying with industry regulations and licensing conditions

Objecting to someone else’s licence application

Contesting enforcement actions such as fines or penalties.